S2Remoting.NET is a framework which allows developers write applications that is not dependent on .NET Remoting nor Web Service API.
When remote calls is not used, client application/component has the relationship with S2 container component as shown in the following diagram. (It is possible for a client to also use a S2 container.)
S2Remoting.NET allows remote components to be called as in the following diagram.
It is not necessary to change either a client or a component.
S2Remoting.NET offers the feature of an interceptor in the following diagram.
It offers connector interface and an abstract class, but does not offer an implementatin. Implementation of connector and adapter classes are offered by related software such as S2DotNetRemoting.
<component>Component interface is specified in the element's class attribute. Depending on a protocol, name specified in the name attribute is the location of a remote object. Refer to the software documentation for the protocol for further document.
It is necessary to define an interceptor to a connector. Usually, this is done by defining a connector in the dicon file for the interceptor and letting S2Container set by injection.